Your Business Partner Value!

Reference: Important! Eleven reasons for value in HomeTown’s Business partner group – savings to Rural  hospitals

As we come to the 2021 Spring Meeting for HomeTown Health, a major part of the value for the meeting will be to meet, greet ,and network with you as  HomeTown Business Partners. As a means to better understand your value, there are ten reasons to get to know you as HomeTown’s Business Partners that you may not know or have thought of.

Those reasons include but are not limited to the following:

  1. As you know, HomeTown’s Business  Partners are just that. You are handpicked partners and not vendors. Vendors have no vetting process with the sponsoring  organization who have vendors. HomeTown Business Partners are handpicked based on hospital recommendations and an extensive vetting process that has been developed by HomeTown.
  2. That affords you the HomeTown Recommendation which is recognized as a tremendous quality attribute
  3. What is the value of using you as a HomeTown Business partner?
    1. You save C-Suite people very valuable time in searching for service providers or listening to random vendors. C-suite time is valuable, so why should they waste time listening to a plethora of vendors cold calling on them when they can go to the HomeTown list of Business Partners and pick someone that they will know has stood the test of time. You can tell them that  the HomeTown Seal of Approval or lack of is critical to doing business in Georgia’s rural hospitals.
    2. Because you are normally already engaged in many HomeTown Hospitals, you have ready built in references. These references can tell you and them straight up how good you are. Because you are fully vetted, you are known to be the best practice in your field.
    3. The HomeTown network is a self-policing network for quality, service and price. For as much as C-suite personnel talk to each other regularly they all know each other’s positions on Business Partners.
    4. Because of volume from the network, you may often find HomeTown to be a better price leverage than most other networks. HomeTown has many examples of volume bringing better pricing because HomeTown can reduce your overhead from traveling to find business. This then equates to cash and that is what survival boils down to – more cash . No money no mission.
    5. HomeTown members understand that HomeTown is a Business Enterprise that works for both political, educational, and business solutions for its rural hospital members.
  4. You as  HomeTown Business Partners can bring many solution opportunities to the HomeTown Hospital C-suite because you cover large geographies of the nation to view from.
  5. You as HomeTown Business Partners are reaching out to your clients with the webinars that HomeTown produces. This saves you mileage, lodging and productivity loss and disruption!
  6. You as Business Partners are specialists in dealing with small and rural hospital problems. Clearly you have done so much work in rural hospitals that  know how the rural culture of problem solving works.
  7. You as Business Partners are “boots on the ground” type people.  You are the people who visit rural hospitals to help when no one else will leave their town position. This “boots on the ground” approach does a great job in developing relationships and trust and that is critical to solve rural hospital problems.
  8. You as Business Partners  are accessible which means that if you are called upon or emailed,  you will be right back to them shortly. Time is money. Money is of the  essence so together you  make  great team.
  9. With HomeTown as a  facilitator, anytime you have a question, all you have to do is call HomeTown and seek help and we can make sure you are cared for shortly. Some of the stories of assistance from a combination of HomeTown Health and its Business Partners and the policy people that we know can make a huge positive difference in a short time which is what is required in  crisis situations!
  10. Because many of you as Business Partners have 25-35 satisfied hospital accounts within HomeTown membership, it is very painful to see a hospital choose a non-vetted vendor instead of a HomeTown Business Partner especially if they are losing money.
  11. These decisions are CEO-CFO decisions. It must be about all three quality, customer service and price. We cannot allow them to  abdicate these decisions to a level not familiar with subsidy requirements from the county for a non-cost effective vendor decision instead of a vetted HomeTown Business Partner.

More things to know about HomeTown Business Partners include:

  1. You as HomeTown Business Partners meet and, discuss , and present several times a year either through virtual meetings or through the Spring/Fall Face to Face Stakeholder meetings  with HomeTown to discuss how better for HomeTown to serve with you. The most recent meetings have been virtual due to the Pandemic and you have been very gracious in your adaptability.  Where the 2020 Spring Meeting had as many attendees virtually  as it typically does face to face. It was attended by 60 or so business partners That meeting illustrated how Business Partners can work together and in tandem with other Business  Partners rather than just working alone.
  2. Then in Fall 2020 you got back together in person and it was great!!! And Safe!!!
  3. You as  HomeTown Business Partners provide financial assistance to the HomeTown Program by your participation in the Spring and Fall Meetings. You pay participation fees for these stakeholder meetings that in turn help finance the many programs of HomeTown for you and your client hospitals. For example HomeTown has up to now provided more than 250 webinars annually at no charge to the rural hospitals. It takes a production staff of 8 people to produce a webinar where you as  business partners are helping cover costs to HomeTown to produce these webinars at least for now. But the cost Is growing so you as  Business Partners are investing in the survival of Georgia’s rural hospitals in sponsoring webinars.
  4. You as HomeTown Business Partners are always available to help sponsor events such as Boot Camps, breakfasts,  Breaks, etc. and other face to face seminars for your hospital clients so the hospital’s  costs are minimal which is helpful since they are so cash deprived.
  5. You as HomeTown Business Partners continually tell HomeTown that there is no other service model in the nation for rural hospitals like HomeTown Health and how much you appreciate HomeTown and working with us individually and collectively!

Action needed:

  1. Please attend the HomeTown Health 2021 Spring Meeting at Jekyll Island Georgia.
  2. Please visit every other Business Partner Booth at the Spring Meeting in April! Tell them “thank you” also for helping defray the cost of education and service to your hospital members and clients members of HomeTown by their participation in the upcoming 2021 HomeTown Spring Meeting!
  3. Check out the HomeTown business partner list to see who you can choose for your next service need!  Call them and schedule a visit both virtually and personally to their  hospital!
  4. HomeTown sells them on dropping  old allegiances that are costing their hospital money. Remember if their hospital  is losing money and they are using an antiquated vendor outside of HomeTown’s selected and vetted Business Partner network, then it is taking a subsidy from somewhere most likely from their county to carry the higher cost of a service. A good example is if you as a HomeTown Business Partner typically can save  them 10%-15% on spend and their rural hospital has a $500,000 spend covered by the HomeTown Business Partner but is not using the HomeTown Business Partner list , then the local county is having to subsidize excessive cost of a non-vetted business partner. So when they are asked by their county administrator “have you done everything to cut needed county subsidy” it will be important for the hospital to have searched HomeTown’s Business Partner list and let them bid on their work. They will be pleased! Being able to show the community leadership or their lender the HomeTown Business Partner  List from which they do business has credibility and impresses their county supporters.
  5. Register with the other 60 HomeTown Business Partner attendees to be at the April 2021 in person  meeting if you have not already!

So in conclusion when you are invited to become  HomeTown Business Partners, you are reinvesting in yourself and your clients survival. When you choose elsewhere, you limit their access to your proven solutions. For these reasons, HomeTown asks its membership to  do everything in its power to choose HomeTown Health Business Partner solutions. HomeTown Health hospital members are asked to always check references for prices, quality and service from local HomeTown Business Partners and Rural Hospital Members. That will validate how good you as Business Partners are.

Without fail, HomeTown is called on to solve problems from time to time due to a crisis and the first thing we do is to check see what Business Partners have been chosen for assistance. Occasionally we find the HomeTown solutions has been excluded. We immediately bring the HomeTown solution to the table and the problem gets solved very quickly.

Again check out the HomeTown Hospital  Member and Business Partner list as follows:

See you live and in person April 13-16, 2021 at Jekyll Island Georgia, click here for more details and to register now!