HomeTown’s CEO & Leadership Day at the Capitol

HomeTown Health Gathers Hospital & State Leaders for Annual CEO & Leadership Day at the Capitol

HomeTown Health, LLC, a collaborative network of rural hospitals throughout Georgia and the Southeast, brought together more than 50 rural hospital leaders to visit the Georgia Capitol in Atlanta on February 8, 2024.

This annual event brings rural hospital leaders to the Capitol to network together and engage with the legislative process at the grassroots level. State leaders are invited to share their understanding of rural healthcare needs as well as insights on legislation that affects rural healthcare. State leaders also have the opportunity to engage with the group and hear directly from rural hospital leadership about their needs, concerns and opportunities.

“This day is of great value not only to our hospital attendees but also to our legislators who get to hear more stories about what is happening in rural hospitals around the state. At HomeTown Health, we are thankful to all who make this day impactful,” says Kristy Thomson, Chief Operating Officer of HomeTown Health.

Throughout the day, rural leaders had the opportunity to meet with their respective Senators and Representatives in one-on-one appointment, as well as hear from various state leaders on the topic of rural healthcare in Georgia and take part in the daily activities within the Capitol building.

The attending executives represented various rural and community hospitals spread throughout Georgia and came together with the purpose of meeting with their legislators and important committee members to share the plight of rural hospitals in Georgia, to thank the legislature for the positive steps made in supporting local hospitals, and to ask for their continued consideration in upcoming bills and legislation that affects healthcare funding and rural community impacts in the state.

This year’s hospital representatives heard from Representative John Burns, Speaker of the House, accompanied by Chief of Staff Terry England; Representative Debbie Buckner, Member of the Ways & Means Committee; Senator Sam Watson, Ex-Officio Agriculture & Consumer Affairs; Senator Blake Tillery, Appropriations Chairman; Representative Matt Hatchett, Chairman of Appropriations; Department of Community Health Commissioner Russel Carlson accompanied by Deputy Commissioner Grant Thomas; Representative Mack Jackson and Representative Gerald Green, Co-Chairs of the Rural Development Council.

“It’s a pleasure to offer this opportunity for rural hospital leaders to spend time at the Capitol, creating relationships with their legislators and further educating many legislators on rural healthcare impact and needs for rural healthcare survival throughout the state.” says HomeTown Health CEO Jimmy Lewis. “It is a privilege to witness the dedication and steadfast commitment of rural health leaders to their patients and their communities; and, we are sincerely appreciative of the state legislators who gave of their time with us today, as well as their continued diligence to rural health awareness at the state level in the future.”